kulturprojekte niederrhein logo    17-22. Juni 2024

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Nawab Khan & The Mantra

  • Nawab Khan | Santoor
  • Shaizan Khan | Flute
  • Naim Khan | Tabla


  • Di. 18. Juni 2024 | Vormittag/Workshops an Schulen
  • Di. 18. Juni 2024 | 20 Uhr
    Museum Neukirchen-Vluyn, Pastoratstr. 1, 47506 Neukirchen-Vluyn
  • Mi. 19. Juni 2024 | Vormittag/Workshops an Schulen
  • Mi. 19. Juni 2024 | 20 Uhr
    AWO-IZ-Grundstück, Talstraße 12, 47445 Moers Repelen
  • Do. 20. Juni 2024 | Vormittag/Workshops an Schulen | Gast: Markus Türk | Trompete
  • Do. 20. Juni 2024 | 20 Uhr
    Spanischer Vallan, Stadtpark Rheinberg, 47495 Rheinberg
    Ausweichort bei Regenwetter: Glasdach am Stadthaus

Klassisch indische Musik trifft lokale und regionale Musiker*innen. Nawab Khan, bekannt durch sein Gastspiel auf dem letztjährigen Haldenkonzert (LINK) ist mit zwei weiteren Musikern in einer intensiven Musikwoche zu Gast bei uns. Allmorgentlich sind wir an Schulen in der Region zu Gast und anschließend abends zu einem Konzert in der jeweiligen Stadt. Eine Vielzahl von Musiker*innen aus der Umgebung sind interessiert und eingeladen den indischen Musikern und ihrer Musik zu begegnen sowie gemeinsam Musik zu entwickeln. Jeder Abend verspricht spannende neue Entdeckungen für die Akteur*innen und die Zuhöhrer.

Das gemeinsame Finale findet am Sa. 22.6. zum Haldenkonzert "Musik und Meditation" auf der Halde Norddeutschland statt.

Nawab Khan & The Mantra

Embark on a transcendental voyage through the ethereal realms of Indian classical music and the profound wisdom of Naada Yoga. Join us on our Europe Tour in May and June 2024 for an unparalleled experience of sonic healing and spiritual rejuvenation.

The Maestros:

Nawab Khan on Santoor and Chanting: With his virtuoso mastery over the Santoor, Nawab Khan weaves intricate melodies that resonate with the soul. His enchanting chants echo the ancient mantras, invoking profound serenity and inner harmony.

Shaizan Khan on Flute and Chanting: The mellifluous notes of Shaizan Khan's flute transport listeners to realms of sublime bliss. His soul-stirring chants infuse the air with a sacred aura, guiding participants on a transformative journey.

Naim Khan on Tabla and Vocal: Naim Khan's rhythmic prowess on the Tabla creates a mesmerizing tapestry of beats, elevating the musical experience to sublime heights. His resonant vocals add depth and richness to the spiritual odyssey.

The Experience:

Prepare to immerse yourself in the ancient art of Naada Yoga, where the vibrations of sound become pathways to inner enlightenment. Through the practice of mantra chanting, unlock the secrets of self-discovery and transcendence, as guided by our esteemed musicians.

Tour Highlights:

Soulful Concerts: Witness awe-inspiring performances by Nawab Khan & The Mantra, where each note resonates with divine energy, captivating audiences with its profound beauty.

Naada Yoga Workshops: Delve deeper into the transformative power of sound through immersive workshops led by our experienced artists. Learn ancient techniques of mantra chanting and explore the spiritual dimensions of Indian classical music.

Satsangs and Discourses: Engage in enlightening discussions on the philosophy of mantra chanting and its significance in spiritual evolution. Discover the profound wisdom encapsulated in sacred texts and ancient scriptures.

Join Us:

Experience the synergy of music and spirituality as Nawab Khan & The Mantra take you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner harmony. Reserve your spot for an unforgettable odyssey across Europe, where the soul finds solace in the healing embrace of Indian classical music and the timeless wisdom of mantra chanting.







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Rheinberg Kamp Lintfort NV StadtMoers Stadt